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No No No a thousand times No

I don’t get to say this often, so I really enjoy it when I do

Rush is Wrong

El Rushbo believes the road to victory in 2010 requires “Republican unity”.

Limbaugh’s defense of Michael Steeles’ recent comments on Afghanistan boil down to this.

entire issue is more of a distraction and a division point during a march towards a victory that Republicans should win if they remain unified.

The reason voters think that the parties “are alike” is because the parties

are alike.

I’m not talking about tax policy or spending, I’m talking about the acceptance of Weasels in the party and the unwillingness to “clean your own house”

If the GOP is not willing to accept the short term losses that come with ridding the Party of Weasels, Rinos, and the corrupt, then they will forever be the mirror image of the DNC.

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